White Wine Jam Infused with Golden Kiwi (Alcoholic/Non-alcoholic)

I love drinking a glass of wine with dinner sometimes, I love the flavor, richness, and feel of a good wine accompanying my meal.
If you know me, you already know I am currently in the late stages of a pregnancy at this point in time (good times growing a person inside :)), and so I don't get to enjoy that treat for now. I must say, I kind of miss it...
As luck would have it, I had an open bottle of white wine left in the fridge from a dinner we had. My other half is not really a fan of white wine, but I am not one to throw a perfectly good white wine away.
I had the genius idea (If I may say so myself), to make a white wine jam, and I infused it with a light flavor of golden kiwi that I had. I made sure to cook it long enough so that no trace of real alcohol is left, and now I get to enjoy this delicious sweet spread that has a hint of white wine flavor to it.
The jam can be made to be alcoholic or non-alcoholic if you choose! but any way you choose to make it, it is absolutely delicious!
Kiwis are delicious! They are a little fruit of happiness, they also hold a lot of nutritional value, like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. Kiwis also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber.
White Wine
A lot of people like to talk about the benefits of moderate consumption of red wine, but recent studies have shown that white wine might also have a good affect on our health. A 2018 study published in Current Cardiology Reports shows that the benefits of drinking wine in moderation include lowering your risk for coronary artery disease, heart failure and cardiovascular mortality.
Whenever I go into the kitchen, whether it is for cooking or baking, I need to have my music with me. I thought it would be nice to share with you the exact song that describes my feeling towards each recipe. That way you can have a similar experience while cooking...
Recipe's song:
For this recipe, I chose one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists ever, because this recipe deserves greatness. All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
Let's start:
Prep time: 5 min.
Cooking time: 30-40 min/3 hrs. |
Difficulty: simple |
Servings: 1 jar


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